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    Entries in Los Angeles (3)


    Things I Did While In San Diego...

    Visit La Holla beach, but remember to mispronounce "La Hoya" to "La Holla."Before we get into the details of one of the greatest trips of my life, I think I should send a tremendous thank you and shout out to Jesse Cunningham and Lea Stretch. Without them this trip wouldn't have been as great as it turned out. There are a lot of things that happened on the trip that clearly won't fit in any blog post, but hopefully I can get some of the finer points right.

    Below are some photos and bulletpoints of the wild ride that was San Diego...


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    The Brog Is San Diego Bound!

    Well, I guess I've never surfed before. I guess I could do that...right?

    That's right guys and gals, thanks to the small success of this site over the years, I've actually been able to save some cash and take this dog and pony show on the road*. You may remember a little dedication video last year made by friends of the site, Lea and Jesse. Well I'm visiting them and eating up all their refrigerated food.


    It'll be a five day adventure starting this coming Thursday. Here's the deal. I'm kinda documenting this whole trip in some fashion or another [audio, video, but especially photo]. I kinda don't know where I should go or do. Out of the five days, I've got about a day and a half-worth of business to handle. That's about it.


    It's San Diego, where people go, prior to going to heaven. I'm also fairly sure the latin of San Diego translates to "Heaven's waiting room." Don't quote me on that. So I've started an initiative, which is rare for me considering how my offline life is completely at odds with this whole trip. If you've ever visited or ever wanted to go to a certain place in San Diego, I'm your man. I'll also venture up to L.A. for a day, but it's really all about San Diego people.


    Send me your suggestions via the comments below or my Twitter feed. I'll keep checking my timeline, this site, and in the coming days, a similar post is going up on Couchbound.


    If you know of any odd spots, restaurants, dancing places that don't cost a fortune to get into, feed me with those suggestions. When I return, I'm sure I'll have a story to tell.


    *Note: There will actually be no ponies involved, but several dogs.



    Battle: L.A. Review -- The 1950's Called, They Want Their Aliens Back

    Not a screen shot from the film, but an image of the audience post-viewing it.

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