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    Tropic Thunder - Tom Cruise? Why?

    Funny Looking At This Photo It Is Actually Hard To Find Nick Nolte.

    Tropic Thunder is an Action movie.  If and when it comes out on DVD it should NOT be put in the comedy section.  I understand that there were jokes and laughs in this movie. Honestly upon watching this movie a second time, the humor aspect kind of faded on me.  The laughs were there, but the didn't stick with that kind of 'one-two punch' like they did a month ago when I watched a pre-screening.  What should be noted is how well the action looks [at times] throughout this movie.  The explosions the sounds the hundreds of thousands of bullets being effortlessly sprayed about.  The scenery is down right gorgeous. If there is any reason to be jealous of Blu-Ray player adopters it will be when this movie comes out on Blu-Ray in a couple months.

    The dialog, while I appreciate a story that has the budget of a Hollywood blockbuster is odd at best and boring at worst.  I'm still a bit perplexed as to how a big budget flick of this caliber will be received in Hollywood. The movie is clearly making fun of a lot of stars one of which cameos in the movie. Tom Cruise? Really? Okay. Personally after seeing Ben Stiller play Tom Cruise @ the MTV Movie Awards years back; I've always wanted to see these two stars share the same screen again.

    Tom Cruise is funny for what his role is, but his part is overshadowed by how gross he looks.  I guess a special shout-out would have to go to the make-up and wardrobe department of the movie because Tom Cruise sausagey fingers and sweaty face wanted me to puke up my snuck-in sushi.  Robert Downey Jr. was the most convincing 70's blacksploitation black man I've ever seen. And I am not so sure Nick Nolte was in wardrobe...i just kept thinking every time he had those 'close-talking' scenes with Danny McBride [who oddly enough seems to be playing the same character from Pineapple Express] rosey was his breath that day.

    The story basically falls short, but its okay...its an homage to most war/action movies which also suffer from the same afflicition. The movie playful dances around the 'homo-rapper' issue that so badly needs to be addressed.  The 'full-retard' jokes which have given the movie its largest amount of criticism are honestly very short and honestly the funniest running joke throughout the flick.

    Worth A Watch @ The Theatre or Rent at home with a great sound not buy unless you can stand dialog that goes stale after a while and sweaty-bloated Tom Cruise fingers.

    Rating: The Respectible Bagged Ham

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