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    Entries in politics (8)


    Gaming Sensitive

    Games as a means of exploiting the sensitive topics of pop culture and current events has never been the medium’s strongest suit. If Thrill Kill and RapeLay are the best we can do, then we are a far cry away from “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”. Six Days In Fallujah could have been one of few first-person shooters that ignited a discussion on the war in Iraq between gamers and the general public. This growing schism of what gamers want versus what gamers actually play seems to go hand in hand with how the culture has matured. Do we want our games to comment on our environment? Is the quality of a game a factor when the plot is meant to be the focal point? Where is the line between addressing matters in our culture that are topical and when do we cross that line into insensitivity?

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    SNL Weekend Update: Palin/Bush/McCain etc.

    Guess I'm late to the party in regards to SNL's weekend update [thanks Bobbito].  This week we see Will Ferrell to his now, nearly trademarked impression of George Jr. I'm always amazed at how well Mark Hamill can do impersionations...eerily good.  The rest of the show is pretty much standard SNL...although the "Jam The Vote!" sketch got me to chuckly with puke humor.


    SNL: Palin Rap

    Saturday Night Live - Update: Palin Rap

    I know you want to look away, but you can't.  Props to Amy Poelher who's like 13 months preggers delivering both rhymes and bucks.  I have no idea what this weekend has done for Palin and the rest of the GOP's campaign, but I'm guessing it couldn't have hurt all that much. [shrugs]


    Batman vs The Penguin : The Debate

    Funny how art [yea I said it] imitates life.  Sidenote: Isn't it odd to see 'Mickey' from Rocky as the Penguin now? Man...this videos effectiveness works on a lot of levels.


    Full Video: Presidential Town Hall Debate

    More so a reminder for me...I still haven't seen it. I heard it was quite 'blah'. 


    SNL: Tina Fey IS Sarah Palin

      It’s becoming increasingly difficult to tell the difference between Sarah Palin and Tina Fey. Not even joking. Her parody is that spot on. See original Palin interview video here.

    video_wmv Download | Play  video_mov Download | Play  (h/t Heather)

    “PALIN”: “Like every American I’m speaking with, we are ill about this. We’re saying, ‘Hey, why bail out Fanny and Freddie and not me?’ But ultimately, what the bailout does is, help those that are concerned about the health care reform that is needed to help shore up our economy to help, uhhh, it’s gotta be all about job creation too. Also, too, shoring up our economy and putting Fannie and Freddie back on the right track, and so health care reform and reducing taxes and reigning in spending…’cause Barack Obama, ya know, has got to accompany tax reductions and tax relief for Americans, also, having a dollar value meal at restaurants. That’s gonna help. But 1 in 5 jobs being created today under the umbrella of job creation. That, you know. Also…..”

    Thanks C&L


    Jack Thompson Disbarred : 15 Minutes Of E-Fame Hopefully Over?

    Well At Least He Now Has Time On His Hands To Finish The Darn Game

    I'm not the kind of person to kick a person when they are down. I am the kind of person to laugh at a person when they are down.  Let's be honest...when someone falls in the street, initially you are concerned.  You want the person to be okay and you may even go the extra mile of extending a helping hand. Once they have their faculties about them, you are able to laugh about the then frightening occurrence.

    Jack Thompson has had his fair share of slip ups and miscues [which just so happen to be captured on video and in this very brog]. He has been a strong proponent for the banning of most of the most popular video games with the ESRB rating of 'M'. He has issued ultimatums to gaming sites and the journalists of the more popular enthusiast outlets.  He has blamed the deaths of children in households and college campuses on games like Halo 3 and the Grand Theft Auto series, all the while representing the families of the victims of very real atrocities.

    The fact that Thompson was disbarred in Florida over a litany of issues does not give me joy or feeling of accomplishment.  I'm actually quite worried if this is the last we will hear from our passionate politician. He could technically pass the bar of the 49 other U.S. states if AND ONLY IF, he has a friend-lawyer who could vouch for his conduct in the courtroom.

    After The Jump: Reasons Why Thompson Was Disbarred, Reliving the 'Good Ole Days' with Youtube Thompson Interviews...

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    Vote "No" On Politics - Depend On Brog

    Vote Morbo

    Although I've been known to go on a political binge from time to time...

    Okay...more often than not, you can find me trolling some [insert politician name here], but with my recent feelings on American politics and the current electoral process [and various other processes]. You can rest assured that this blog will be as 'a-political' as possible.  If anything I'll keep to a minimum the foibles of both sides. Honestly, if you aren't voting for Morbo the Great then why be a politician?

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