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    Mr. T - Treat Your Mother Right

    Yes! Thanks to a special contributor who goes by the name of 'Lil Lady'...a part of my life is even more complete.  You know...i often engage in the dozens or 'snappin', it DOES take a Mr. T-type to break up the babble and remind me...and us all.

    Treat your mothers right folks.


    CERN Lab In 3 minutes it is the big day. I'm actually typing this on Tuesday, the 9th of September.  So if you are reading this then the earth wasn't destroyed...err...well the internet is still intact and so is whatever spaceship you've managed to stitch together. The above clip is the CERN lab explained [purpose, history, hubbub, etc.] in 3 minutes.

    The European Organization for Nuclear Research known as CERN is the world's largest particle physics laboratory, situated in the northwest suburbs of Geneva on the Franco-Swiss border. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will begin operations soon. On September 10th, the most sophisticated particle accelerator will go online, injecting the first circulation of accelerated particles. Actual experiments involving collisions will occur once scientists are satisfied the LHC is fully optimized and calibration is complete. The LHC has been undergoing "cool-down" for some time, ensuring the LHC's eight sectors are approaching the 1.9K (-271°C) operational temperature (that is 1.9 degrees above absolute zero). All going well, on September 10th, the first beam will be accelerated to an energy of 450 GeV (0.45 TeV), the preliminary step on the path to attaining particle energies of 5 TeV, a record breaking target

    After the jump is a clip if things went horribly awry today...

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    Sega Dreamcast Anniversary - Remember The Good Times

    So Many Good Things...What Went Wrong

    Sega's last console which was launched September 9th in 1999 [9/9/99] had it's ninth anniversary yesterday.  As a proud owner of a Dreamcast I thought I'd make a small post about the 'good times'. Funny, I was reading specs on this machine and it really did have it all! Having it all wasn't going to save Sega's 'swan song' of a console though, no third-party support and heavy piracy ultimately gutted this machine before it had a chance against its PSone and eventual PS2 competitor.

    More After the Jump...

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    Hurray For Not Being Blown Up!

    We The Best Mang...We Deed It

    Although later I am posting another article about the CERN lab itself. If you are reading this then you should know that we, and by we I mean a hand full of physicists and scientist watched two white dots blink on a computer screen. Noticed what's missing? We [and they] did not die! Isn't that awesome!? Not dying rocks! The thing is, this is step one [or step 421] depending on how you look at this of many equally great and dangerous steps to come.

    Here's what Alex Higgins [Associated Press] has to add:

    "Now that the beam has been successfully tested in clockwise direction, CERN plans to send it counterclockwise. Eventually two beams will be fired in opposite directions with the aim of recreating conditions a split second after the big bang, which scientists theorize was the massive explosion that created the universe."

    More photos and the AP article after the jump...

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    Mark Hamill returns as the Joker [In Arkham Asylum Game]

    Commence The Freak Out through the nose, out through the mouth. Yes, it is true. Sir Mark Hamill [why did I just knight dude?] a.k.a. the 2nd best joker ever [sorry I have to give it to 'the Ledge' for his bananaberry performance] will getting behind the mic one more time. 

    If you've been living under a rock for the past 15 years, Mark Hamill's best contributions to anything in the acting space will be his portrayal of the Joker on TV's "Batman: The Animated Series". That's right your Luke Skywalker is in no way on the level of the Hamill...

    okay...i'll stop now...

    After this pathetic jump is the Kotaku article on this grand nugget of news.

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    Dairy Queen Tycoon - Dreams Come True Don't They?

    Hmm...I wonder what's under that cone?

    Having a girlfriend who often craves Dairy Queen, I find it this bit of news a great way to start off the week. I guess GameMill Entertainment and Spark Plug Games have teamed up to cater to what I'm sure is a very large demographic.  Did you like PC Tycoon? Do you have a cone or bowl fresh from Dairy Queen and are now wondering how to have this same icy-smooth excitement everyday on your PC? Well guess what? You Can!

    Look...just know that a Dairy Queen Tycoon is being made and this is how it's being promoted:

    Our goal is to create an entertaining game that also embraces the rich history of Dairy Queen and its place within the community“ Brian Kirkvold, Executive Producer for GameMill Entertainment.

    More Creamy Goodness after the jump...

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    A Virus Gets A Virus

    eeeeeeeeeew Mimivirus

    Okay, I can't really express how cool this really is, because there is a large part of my brain still trying to comprehend what the ramifications of this discover. Know this, viruses can be infected and possibly attacked by other, smaller viruses. What this 'could' mean? Viruses are evolving, into what, is still yet to be studied.  What is odd, is that if viruses are evolving, wouldn't that mean that cells [by nature or unnatural means] have to evolve too?

    After the jump : The Mamavirus get's infected by the Mimivirus!

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    Large Hadron Collider Going Online...Despite Death Threats

    "Pay No Attention To The Guy Behind The Curtain!"

    Hey crazy people, why do you have to be so crazy? The LHC is literally hours away from being 'turned on' or put online. So wouldn't you know it? Right on cue comes the crazies. Some of the complaints are general and make sense.  Parents and concerned citizens are calling the CERN lab and specific universities to talk directly with the professors and scientists who are involved with the construction of the LHC. Questions of: "Will my family be safe?", "Should we move?"...all good questions to ask.

    But then the crazies come out, threatening the thoughtful minds behind the scientific marvel. Not just any threat either, to threaten these peoples' lives simply  because there is not a firm understanding of what is being done. The threats seem to come out of fear than 'prophecy' or 'religious fanaticism' I guess we got that going for us.

    More from the Daily Tech source article after the jump...

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    Blu-Ray Has 5 Years Left, OLED Wave Of Future?

    Take That...Face!

    As big a fan I am of the Blu-Ray technology, I am an even 'humonguser' fan of OLED tech.  While perusing Pocket-Lint, I found an interesting article about what 'could be' the life span of the newly inducted next generation storage format in Blu-Ray.

    "I think it [Blu-ray] has 5 years left, I certainly wouldn't give it 10", Andy Griffiths, director of consumer electronics at Samsung UK told Pocket-lint in an interview.

    More Geekdom, Video & The Article after the jump...

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    Wii Music Commercials = Catastrophic Fail


    This is the thirteenth commercial and they still can't get it right? I'll call it right now. Wii Music is dead in the water [waits for Christmas for Wii Music to sell 3 billion copies]

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